Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Downtown Rumblings...

Sorry the updates have not been coming strong the last few weeks. I’ve been awfully busy working and moving. I hope to keep the updates running strong in the next several months. I have several stories relating to the unique landmarks in downtown in the works, so look for those. I’d love to see more feedback and hear others thoughts on downtown, feel free to send in your thoughts, rumors, opinions or whatever! send email... downtowntulsa (at)

Here's some of the latest rumblings...

OETA wants to move downtown into the TCC Metro Campus, and wants $1.9 million from the State.
From (Registration Required)

TCC plans a 70,000 square feet, $10.5 million dollar “Center for the Advancement of Learning”
From Urban Tulsa...
“And TCC continues to make improvements with the DL learning. Bereolos says that the recent adoption of a higher education bond package by the Oklahoma Legislature will provide the funding for a proposed 70,000 square foot, $10.5 million facility on the TCC Metro Campus, the Center for the Advancement of Learning.

He says “the Center will provide the state-of-the-art ability to develop and deliver distance and online learning programs and courses in a state-of-the-art, multi-media production facility to support TCC’s cable channel and telecourse programming.” Construction is scheduled to begin in 2006.”

A good read from fellow Tulsa Bolger Michael Bates & Urban Tulsa…
Far From the Madding Crowd: If you want to get away from it all, you can always go downtown.
“On a recent Saturday afternoon, I needed to clear my head. I needed to have some time alone, so I could hear myself think. I got in the car and drove somewhere I knew I could walk for a long time without encountering another human being. I took a walk downtown.” More at Urban Tulsa

The Blank Slate (where voodoo room was) opens with Vanilla Ice on Thursday the 10th. This means you will once again be able to bar hop on 1st & 2nd Streets (Blue Dome District)... McNellies, Club Frogs Ultra Lounge, Blank Slate, Arnie's, 1974, & Tsunami. At least two more bar's are in the works on 1st, and don't forget the Brady District!

Don't Stop Believin (in Downtown Tulsa)... Journey's at Brady Theater on Friday the 4th!


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